Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Listening for God's Voice

Last night when I was doing my evening devotion in the book Single Servings by Lee Warren (a great book for single Christians) a question was posed asking about a time when God "whispered" to me. There are numerous times in my life when I believe God has spoken to me, but there is one time in my life when I had absolutely no doubt that God was speaking to me because it came as more of a scream than a whisper.

When I was a senior in high school, I was very undecided about which college to attend and which major to choose. My mom had been encouraging me to go into pharmacy, while I was contemplating a political science major and maybe law school (my dream for years was to become the first woman President, lol). So, one Wednesday night when I got home from church, I sat down and had a heart to heart with God, and asked Him where exactly did he want me and what did He want me to do with my life? I then went to sleep that night not expecting such an immediate answer to my request. The next morning, I walked into my calculus class at Calhoun (I was doing dual enrollment that semester) expecting to do math but was met with a surprise, a recruiter from Auburn's pharmacy school! I listened intently and was impressed with everything he had to say, but was still unsure if this was really what I wanted to do with my life. My favorite classes in high school were my history and literature classes, not science and math! I had always thought about being a doctor or some other type of health care professional, but when I realized that I wasn't huge on science this kind of slipped out of my focus. What really got my intention was after the recruiter left, my professor stood in front of the class and informed us that this was the first time anyone from Auburn had ever come to talk to one of his classes. He had been teaching at Calhoun for over 20 years! This got my attention! I went straight to my car and called my mom to tell her that I had decided on major, pharmacy.

As I was thinking back to this day, I realized that my life is now so full of outside noise (school) that I often no longer hear God's gentle whispers. So, I just encourage everyone to take time to listen for God's voice amongst all of the static in our lives.

As for the election results, I am very dissappointed and worried about our country, but I believe that God answers prayers. So, I just encourage everyone to begin praying right now for our new president.