Monday, February 9, 2009

It's Been a While

I haven't blogged in so long.  That just goes to show that not anything very exciting is happening in my life. I had a two month Christmas break at home, which was wonderful, but now I'm back into the old grind of school.  School, unfortunately is about the only thing I have time for anymore.  I am actually putting off studying to write this, not saying thats a bad thing, but I am.

  I guess a few really cool things have happened since I last updated. I got the best present ever for Christmas, a Kindle.  Most people probably wouldn't enjoy it as much as I have, but I absolutely love to read and am thoroughly enjoying having an entire bookstore right at my fingertips.  I have probably read close to 10 books since I've been back at school!  I know, I'm crazy for reading for fun after hours of school reading.

I found an apartment in Huntsville!  I'm moving in the first of May.  I absolutely can't wait to live somewhere larger than Auburn, and to be closer to home.  I'm going to have to talk to my mother about her plan for me to come home every day though.  I'm also really excited about having a room mate again.  It's been a really long time since I've lived with someone else, so it'll be an adjustment. 

I guess that's about it for the boring life of Kristen.  I'm going to Vegas for spring break, so who knows, maybe I'll come back married or something!
