Saturday, October 25, 2008

Gone Flying

So, my clumsiness is a very well documented fact. This is a fact that all of my friends like to tease me about unmercifully. Stairs, curbs, holes, you name it, and I have probably tripped and fell over it. Well today, I took it to an all new level. I was cleaning my house this morning (it was in dire need of a good cleaning) and decided to dust my kitchen table. I took my placemats off of the table and laid them on the floor while I was dusting. When I was finished dusting I turned to walk across the kitchen, forgetting about the placemats, and my socks hit the placemats. After that everything was in slow motion. I knew what was happening and had absolutely no way to stop it. Cuss words slipped from my mouth as I flew across my kitchen and wound up landing on my left hip. So, needless to say I am pretty sore, but at least I didn't break anything this time!

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